67th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival -Dramatic Scenes
比賽類別: 學術
日期: 2015-12-16 (星期三)
主辦: Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association
性質: 校外舉辦

67th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival -Dramatic Scenes

組別 獎項 班別 獲獎者(中文)
Secondary 1 and 2 Champion 1B 鄭正
Secondary 1 and 2 Champion 1B 李靈
Secondary 1 and 2 Champion 1D 鄭展匡
Secondary 1 and 2 Champion 1D 黃景暉
Secondary 1 and 2 Champion 2C 王曦霆
Secondary 1 and 2 Champion 2D 尹浩豐
📇地址: 將軍澳集福路2號
☎️電話: 27037363
📠傳真: 27049602
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